Who We Are: Collaboration

It all started with a messy garage.

The Canby House garage.

“Clean/organize garage” was up on the chore list for a couple weeks–for good reason. A drum set, cardboard boxes, boxes and bags filled with empty beer bottles that needed to be redeemed, and about 7 bikes (some working, and some not) are just a few of the things that were making the garage messy.

Gregory offered to clean the garage one fateful Sunday Night. But Jonathan had a different idea:

“What if we all do it together?”

While the aforementioned Jonathan-quote might conjure up in your mind a picture of Disney high school students singing and dancing in matching red and white attire, this is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about


You, faithful blog readers, may have noticed that listed on the right side of Canby House blog are our four values: growth, hospitality, collaboration, and community relevance. We have yet to discuss what collaboration even means in a public format.

What is collaboration?

Simply put, collaboration is the idea that the effect of the whole is greater than the sum of the effects of the individual parts.

Why do we collaborate?

The messy garage project got done a LOT more quickly because of the seven of us working together. It may have taken Gregory 4 hours to move stuff around, construct something to hang the ladders on, etc. But it only took the 7 of us 1-1.5 hours. Sweeeet.

Intentional community (which is what we are striving for), includes going out of one’s way to include the other members of the community. Seeking out ways to collaborate opens up the individual to:

  • comradery; bonding with our fellow community members
  • correction/learning
  • humility
  • growth

When do we collaborate?

On a micro-level, each member of the Canby House has a choice to invite, include, get feedback from, and simply join in with others in the house.

On a mezzo-level, the members of the Canby House meet weekly to discuss together what to do about various issues. Past topics have included:

On a macro-level: In the past, we’ve held Greater Community discussions, which have included our neighbors and friends who call The Canby House their community. We will do this again–and Greater Community, know that you are welcome to collaborate with us at any time!

How do we get better at collaboration?

What do you think?? Leave a comment!! After all…

We’re all in this TOGETHER!

2 thoughts on “Who We Are: Collaboration


  2. I know!! I was too lazy to take/find one. 🙂

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